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Shooting with my hybrid cam
14 mars 2017

So disappointing iphone cam (when light is low)...

So disappointing iphone cam (when light is low)...
8 mai 2016

Sweet life, Aarhus

Sweet life, Aarhus
Shot w/ LUMIA 900
11 avril 2013

Best m43 lenses: consumers' top rated

Best m43 lenses: consumers' top rated
Here is the list of the current 20 best rated micro 4/3 lenses. To do so, I've picked up and process the data from all the consumers' reviews (& associated yellow stars) I've been able to found on the Amazon websites worldwide, the most relevant ones...
1 mars 2013

Panorama of micro 4/3 lenses

Panorama of micro 4/3 lenses
I spent a couple of hours trying to list all existing and announced lenses with MFT mounts. Because I'm curious, because it might be useful for some readers, and because I like classifying things since always^^ It turns out that the choice for m43 is...
16 juin 2012

Shooting fun panoramas with a phone

Shooting fun panoramas with a phone
With the Nokia Lumia 800, you can do it. This is very fast & easy, and the rendering is quite fair given that you are using a (smart) phone. But this is of course very poor compared to a real camera hopefully...! Here are the examples I've been promising...